Update on his WaterUps® wicking beds from Jon Kingston

Posted on: 29 June 2018

It was good to get an update from our good friend Jon Kingston with some pics of his latest WaterUps® bed. Jon is one of Australia’s leading community garden designers and has designed and helps run the James Street Reserve Garden in Redfern and the Wayside Chapel community garden. He specialises in ecological management, organic food production systems, and bush land restoration. He was also heavily involved with the hugely successful Indira Naidoo edible balcony book and program.

http://theediblebalcony.com.au/about.html, Jon uses WaterUps® in a number of his veggie beds and this pic is one at the Wayside Chapel Garden in Bondi. The tree planted in the WaterUps bed pic Jon has shared is a desert lime https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citrus_glauca

You'll also see some early growth of green which will be lush and ready to harvest in spring. The organic produce grown in the Wayside gardens are used at both Cafes in the Bondi and Kings Cross chapels as well as featuring in local restaurants like Billy Kwong in Potts Point. The gardens now have a stronger focus on Indigenous plants, native saltbush, lemon myrtle and more. The wider purpose of the gardens is to create community, teach living skills, practice sustainability, engage with our neighbours and beautify the space.

https://www.waysidechapel.org.au/spaces/Benefit of raised beds. Well for our urban environments we often have no alternative.

  • Greater control over your soil mix
  • Better drainage
  • Often better ability to control pests
  • Generally achieve longer growing seasons
  • MOST IMPORTANTLY - Easier to incorporate a wicking system