Raised Garden Bed Ideas

WaterUps enables numerous raised garden bed ideas to become reality due to the modular system that is the WaterUps wicking bed.

The technology supports creative designs as well as more traditional and classic raised garden beds while delivering the benefits of watering through wicking – less time and water used watering plants, and healthier, more abundant growth.

Read on for some tips on how to use WaterUps to create your garden bed designs and some in-progress images of planted beds.

WaterUps Raised Garden Bed Ideas Small Planter

The Very Small

Gardeners tight on space like balconies, can use our planter box that measures 480(L) x 480(W) x 430(H) and comes complete with its own WaterUps system to plant flowers, small shrubs, a range of herbs (particularly ones you want to control, like mint) and even plants that need support, like tomatoes, thanks to our complementary garden frame.

An individual WaterUps wicking cell measures 400mm(L) x 400mm(W) x 130mm(H) and has four wicking legs, making it a perfect addition for inset herb gardens on an outdoor table, BBQ benchtop or outdoor kitchen. They can even be cut down to a single leg if you need to have a very narrow plant box.



Raised Garden Bed Ideas Hexagonals Using Water Ups

Circular Designs

Likewise, they can be trimmed and used in round pots or tubs, or in hexagonal shaped gardens, providing a reservoir that fills the base of round or irregular shapes. Provided you can drill an outlet for the overflow pipe in the pot or frame you are all set to go. See the Rooftop Round garden examples where WaterUps is being used for succulents and larger trees.



Raised Garden Bed WaterUps Balconies

Greener Balconies

This small basic cell can be extended widthways and lengthways by adding additional wicking cells, thereby enabling you to create custom long narrow planters, or irregular shaped planters like an L shaped raised bed. This is perfect for small balconies where space is at a premium and where you may want to create a fast- growing green screen or have plants providing softness and scent in your outdoor living area. Mock orange, or cordylines, Dwarf NZ Christmas Bush, Viburnums, Everlasting Frangipani or dwarf bamboos could work well here.



Raised Garden Bed Ideas WaterUps Colorbond

Standard Size Raised Garden Beds

WaterUps provides two standard-sized raised garden beds in a Colorbond® frame as part of our Oasis Range. The larger (being longer and wider) of these two, the 1680, is most commonly used as a vegetable garden in community gardens, schools and early learning childhood centres. The smaller and narrower 1240 can be used on balconies or for stylish garden borders.




Raised Garden Bed Ideas Plantbox

Wide Choice of Planter Boxes

For other raised garden bed Ideas, look to Planterbox, Draffin, Street Furniture Australia and other providers of street furniture, some of which have planter boxes with cantilevered seating. WaterUps has partnered with these companies to ensure our Wicking systems can be used in their ranges of planter boxes in commercial, local government and private landscaping applications. This helps landscaper designers proceed with a high quality and durable product, with aesthetic appeal that can also be functional (e.g., streetscape planting or cafe boundary dividers).


Raised Garden Bed Ideas Glebe Rood Terrace

Whatever you dream up

As well as the individual WaterUps cells, WaterUps also offers a sub-irrigation channel. It enables garden designers to create long garden beds or community gardeners to create more extensive and custom plantings with raised timber garden beds. This solution is also increasingly being used in rooftop gardens and in council rain gardens to not only grow plants but to capture and manage excess water during rain events. The WaterUps sub-irrigation channel is the only inground wicking system in the world.




Be inspired by these Raised Garden Bed Ideas

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