‘Wick vs Drip’ comparing WaterUps to drip irrigation

‘Wick vs Drip’ comparing WaterUps to drip irrigation

WaterUps Sub-Irrigation outperforms Drip Irrigation Drip irrigation is probably the most widely used system of irrigation in landscaping. So we thought we would see how wicking bed sub-irrigation using WaterUps compares. We look at both irrigation systems in terms of...
What to do in your wicking bed this month – April 21

What to do in your wicking bed this month – April 21

Posted: 13th Apr 2021 by Eric Sturman Sowing the seeds to grow the greens in your wicking bed   Now, what are the advantages of sowing seeds over just buying seedlings? While seedlings save you about 4 to 6 weeks in time, you are significantly restricted in what...